Lab Policy
Teaching Lab Facilities Usage Policy
The Director of Technical Operations for the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is the steward of all departmental equipment and facilities. As such they shall be given the duty and authority to enforce the following policies as appropriate.
1. Definitions:
a. Student refers to any person who is officially signed up for the lab course and is on the course roster.
b. Teaching Assistants and Teaching fellows refers to only those assigned to the specific lab
c. The term TA used here within refers to both Teaching Assistants and Teaching Fellows.
2. Hours of Operation:
a. All lab sessions, office hours and make up sessions are to take place between the hours of 8:00AM – 6:00PM Monday through Friday.
i. Exceptions: Due to scheduling constraints, it may be necessary to schedule lab section(s) ending after 6PM.
1. Exceptions will have to be discussed in advance of the semester starting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
2. As with all lab times, a member of the Technical Operations staff must be scheduled and on duty for any courses ending after 5PM.
ii. Exceptions will not be made for Office Hours or make up sessions due to limited resources of the Technical Operations Unit.
b. These facilities and all equipment contained within are only to be used for material directly related to the course assigned to it.
3. Access: as stated in the department's Access Policy.
a. 100, 200 and 300 level labs: Students are only permitted in lab facility when a Teaching Assistant, Professor or member of Technical Operations staff is present. Additionally, a member of the Technical Operations staff must be on duty for any student to be in the lab facility.
b. 400 level labs: Students will be given card swipe access to lab facilities from 7:45AM-10:00PM after they have read and signed a copy or otherwise acknowledge receipt of this policy. No hard keys will be given out.
i. Exceptions: Due to the nature of the labs and equipment contained in the facility no access will be given to students enrolled in the following courses:
1. ENEE 486
2. ENEE 473
ii. Access for the above courses will be the same as 100, 200 and 300 level labs.
c. TAs assigned to the course will be given card swipe access allowing them to enter the lab from 7:45AM-10:00PM after they have read and signed a copy of this policy or otherwise acknowledge receipt of it. No hard keys will be given out.
d. Use of all facilities and associated equipment are to be used for course material related to scheduled courses only.
e. Students given swipe card access are not permitted to give access of any kind to any other person to facilities or equipment.
f. Access will not be given to those not enrolled in or assigned to an associated course.
4. Make-ups will only be allowed for excused absences as define by the University’s Attendance Policy ( ) and only during the aforementioned hours of operation. (8AM to 6:00PM Monday through Friday)
a. Notification and Approval: Before any make up sessions can be scheduled, the instructor of the course and the Director of Technical Operations must be notified via email and approve of the reason for the session and planned time and place.
b. Students may make up lab within another section of the same course under all of the following conditions.
i. The professor approves in advance
ii. Technical operations approves in advance
1. Equipment must be available
2. A back up bench must remain for current section
iii. The TA of the students section agrees
iv. The TA of the section they are planning to make up in agrees
c. Students may make up lab during office hours under the following conditions:
i. The professor approves in advance
ii. Technical operations approves in advance
1. Equipment must be available
2. At least on bench must be left available for students attending office hours.
d. All TAs are expected to enforce all lab policies during their section and office hours.
5. Equipment
a. All equipment and facilities are to be treated with respect. Anyone caught intentionally abusing any departmental equipment or facilities will be escorted from the premises.
b. Equipment in all teaching facilities is to be used for course related material only, this includes printers.
c. Under no circumstances is any equipment or furniture to be brought into or removed from the lab by anyone other than Technical Operations personnel.
d. Any breadboards or other department owned items assigned to students are to be returned before the last day of final exams of the semester. Professors may withhold grade until all material is returned.
e. Any breadboards or other department owned items assigned to students may only be used for course related material.
6. General
a. Food/drink: Under no circumstance will any food or drink be permitted in a teaching lab.
i. If found it will be confiscated and removed from the room.
ii. The owner will lose access privileges.
b. All faculty, staff, TAs and students are expected to respect all departmental facilities and equipment and follow all policies and guidelines on their usage.
c. All users of departmental facilities and equipment are expected to act within the Universities Code of Conduct (
d. All users are expected to act in a manner to ensure the safety of themselves, all other lab participants and equipment.
7. TA responsibilities
a. All TAs are required to have some safety training and attend a lab specific safety briefing given by a member of Technical Operations before they will be given access to facilities.
b. All TAs are expected to arrive ten minutes before their section starts.
c. If for any reason a TA cannot be at their assigned section, it is their responsibility to find a qualified substitute. Any substitute must be approved by the professor and the Director of Technical Operations.
d. All TAs are expected to have completed the lab before their first section each week.
e. Check condition of lab and all Equipment before beginning of lab
i. Log conditions
ii. Alert technical Operations to any Deficiencies
f. Check condition of Lab and all Equipment at end of lab
i. Log conditions
ii. Alert technical Operations to any Deficiencies
g. Office Hours
i. TA are expected to hold appropriate office hours as defined by the department and professor teaching the course.
ii. Office hours may be held during the hours of operation as defined above1n the lab when no other lab section is scheduled
h. TAs are responsible for the safety of the students in their section.
i. If an emergency arises requiring the lab to be evacuated the TA is to account for all students.
ii. The TA must stay with students until the emergency is over or until the end of the class period.
I have read the access policy and understand my obligations
Print Name:_______________________________________________
Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Course:_________________________________ Section:________________________________