
We are committed to assisting you in your technical problems. Listed below is the contact information of the various offices in ECE. Consult this list prior to contacting anyone at ECE Technical Operations. This will allow us to streamline the process and better serve you.

If you ever have any questions or require further assistance, feel free to call or stop by our office.

ECE Technical Operations

Office: 1338 A. V. Williams Building

Phone: (301) 405 1036

email: ece-techopshelp@umd.edu

NOTE: Tickets entered in the system are given priority. You will be notified on the status of your ticket through this system.

ECE Technical Operation Ticket System:

Email your job with the description to ece-techops@ece.umd.edu

Using our ticket system you will be able to describe your problem and submit a request directly to our office. Submitted tickets will be handled within this system by members of the Technical Operations team. Utilize this system, unless you have a project that needs our Director's permission.